Monday, November 19, 2007

Lancelot Links, Secret Chimp 2: Link Harder

Click on picture above for news on a way SNL crew members being financially affected by the strike are being helped by the strikers for their show. And 30 Rock will be doing the same tonight! Now if only other shows could do this (like The Office or choke-gasp-Heroes)...
And click on this picture to see how the growing cry in the wilderness for Mannix on dvd must not be ignored! Seriously, this is the best thing I've ever read in the Washington Post, including anything written by Woodward and Bernstein.

Also, be sure to check out my other blog for a trailer of a documentary on one of the most important character actors in the history of television.

More than just an actor... he was a gameshow celebrity!


Anonymous said...

Mr. J.. Have you ever seen the blog at ??
I was googleing the late Porter Wagner and the was a hit. Reminded me of your blog.

your fiend, mr. jones said...

I just checked it out and, until I have a way to play podcasts or hear Bob Dylan's radio show on XM, this well-written and researched site will be hard for me to enjoy.

Or maybe I'm making too much out of this.