Friday, May 06, 2005

The Fall and Rise of John Gulager

Last night's Project Greenlight was much more warm and fuzzy than previous episodes. Even with a classic Chris Moore going ballistic moment from previous seasons and the return of evil casting director Michelle Gertz for one final bit of defensive posturing, this epsiode was much more about the tension of dealing with the studio liking the film they've worked and slaved over. It even had a classic "What will Bob Weinstein think?" cliffhanger for next week.

The nice part was seeing John Gulager getting props from Matt Damon, Wes Craven, Ben Affelck and everybody else. In the end, and God knows I've said worse about this guy, he is a director who took a script no one but Dimension had any faith in and turned it into something that everyone is excited about. Of course, it may be everyone is excited because they want the public in general to get excited about seeing it, but it all plays very nicely in the television show, and really. isn't that what makes this country great?

I've put up the link to the high-larious Project Greenlight site here, so you can read Chris Moore's "Blowing Up At Underlings Is Wrong" speech for the kids, as well as a new plea for someone besides myself and The Gulager family to watch the show. And above, you can see how dangerous editing a genre film can be. Don't listen to the lies...

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1 comment:

your fiend, mr. jones said...

Ironic like a fox! He's got his own directing gig on the "Race With The devil" remake, so we can all expect a very special PGL next year where he yells at himself for thirteen episodes...