Wednesday, April 20, 2005

More Fiendish Plugs (not my hair, damn you!)

Charles Ezell (sorry, no link for Chaz) sends this missive (italics/bold mine!) to those of you who enjoy the funny in LA...

Yes, there is another Fern Bar scheduled for this thursday April 21. Fern Bar is an variety show hosted by Charles Ezell and features the David Johnson trio. And judging from the last show it's pretty darned funny. Fern Bar is the show. The place is:

Club 1160
1160 Vermont
Los Angeles

It's in the basement of the Ramada! The Daniel Johnson trio goes on at 8:45. Variety at 9:30. This week's special guests are:
Jeremy S. Kramer
Ron Lynch
Tom Sharp
David Yow
plus some mystery guests (????)

Tell all your friends and come on down. It'd be great to see you.
Your friend,
Charles Ezell

I can only add I know Charles, Jeremy and Ron and they are well worth whatever else you have to put up with to see this show. Tape Project Greenlight and go see Fern Bar.

1 comment:

Pisser said...

Is there a cover? ;)