Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hey I have a fan! Also...

...I noticed when I wrote the title to one of Clu Gulager's unfinished films (see below) it made it a hyper link. I think this happened because I put the "@" in it. Hopefully it happened again, proving me right and also making this a quasi-running gag in the blog. Speaking of "quasi" and "gagging"...

Woody Allen's new film "Melinda and Melinda" opened today. I used joke that if the Woody Allen of today were a character in one of Woody Allen's films from the late seventies/early eighties, he would played by Tony Roberts. In other words, the sleazy guy that wouold be made fun of by the Allen character.

I say "used to joke" because even contemplating how the guy who made "Annie Hall" could make "Anything Else" or "Celebrity" is just... too sad.

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